The average house price on ST AUSTELL CLOSE is £310,028
The most expensive house in the street is 1 ST AUSTELL CLOSE with an estimated value of £449,312
The cheapest house in the street is 3 ST AUSTELL CLOSE with an estimated value of £117,329
The house which was most recently sold was 22 ST AUSTELL CLOSE, this sold on 15 Dec 2021 for £304,000
The postcodes for ST AUSTELL CLOSE are IP5 1JY, IP5 1JY
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 ST AUSTELL CLOSE Detached £449,312 £361,000 27 Jun 2019
3 ST AUSTELL CLOSE Terraced £117,329 £59,750 29 Jul 2004
4 ST AUSTELL CLOSE Semi-Detached £292,514 £75,000 30 Mar 2000
6 ST AUSTELL CLOSE Semi-Detached £330,549 £260,000 23 Oct 2017
8 ST AUSTELL CLOSE Detached £334,137 £59,250 14 Jun 1996
10 ST AUSTELL CLOSE Semi-Detached £263,616 £145,000 5 Aug 2009
10 ST AUSTELL CLOSE Semi-Detached £263,616 £145,000 5 Aug 2009
12 ST AUSTELL CLOSE Semi-Detached £256,307 £152,000 28 Mar 2013
14 ST AUSTELL CLOSE Semi-Detached £298,532 £275,000 29 Sep 2021
16 ST AUSTELL CLOSE Semi-Detached £428,632 £315,000 29 Mar 2016
20 ST AUSTELL CLOSE Semi-Detached £306,442 £57,000 31 Jan 1997
22 ST AUSTELL CLOSE Semi-Detached £328,110 £304,000 15 Dec 2021
24 ST AUSTELL CLOSE Semi-Detached £361,274 £89,000 10 Dec 1999